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Heading for the future - 200 years and counting.

As a specialised port service provider, the J. MÜLLER Group is your first port of call.

The specialist among port service providers

Under the ownership of the Müller family for nearly 200 years, J. MÜLLER, based in Brake, Germany, is always the first port of call for specialised port services. From crops and feedstuff to forestry products, from coffee to iron and steel, from wind energy to maritime proteins – our company is synonymous with outstanding performance in the transshipment, storage, and transport of high-quality agricultural and capital goods. 

The coffee division of J. MÜLLER Weser is located in Bremen, the world’s largest coffee processing hub. With more than 100 employees, established coffee expertise, and massive transshipment, storage, and transport capacities, the company is an important gateway to the green coffee supply streams from overseas to Germany and Europe.

If you’d like to find out more about the corporation, its subsidiaries and joint ventures, click here.

Der Spezialist unter den Hafendienstleistern
Your contact

Do you have any questions?

Axel Boedtger
Axel Boedtger

Division Manager Coffee Sales and Distribution

Bereichsleiter Vertrieb
Bernd Riedel

Division Manager Coffee Sales and Distribution

Leitung Kaufm. Abwicklung
Holger Ostermann

Head of Commercial Processing Coffee

Around the clock – we provide established coffee expertise from Bremen around the clock
Find out more


Immer auf Kurs - Im Wandel der Zeit

Die Ursprünge von J. MÜLLER reichen bis zum 1. Mai 1821 zurück, als Johann Müller ein Handels- und Speditionsgeschäft gründete. Die über 200-jährige Unternehmensgeschichte spiegelt auf kleinere Ebene die Entwicklung der Globalisierung von Warenströmen wider..

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